Herbal Medicine in Quebec

Best match results for herbal medicine in Quebec.

    Alternative Medicine Herbal Medicine

    Doctor Naturopath since 2003. Weight loss, Candida, Parasites, Stress, Anxiety, Digestive problems: Constipation, IBS; PMS; Skin problems: Eczema & Healthy Nutrition. Bio-Energetic test for food intolerance (sensitivities), Candida, parasites, allergens and more. Bio - energetic test for food Intolerance (test for 340 items) at $80 for 1 hour! Biofeedback. My European clinical medical practice is combined with 25 years of experience as a professional Natural Health Consultant that... Read more

    Easy-Pharma is the online store for all your products about homeopathy, nutritional supplements and aromatherapy. Thanks to collaborations with some of the biggest brands in this world we are able to provide you with the best products for the best price. Read more

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