Meditation Classes in Quebec

Best match results for meditation classes in Quebec.

    Martial arts studio, Karate, Aikido, karate Fitness, Martial arts builds strong bodies and minds and has continuously been cited as one of the best ways to improve health and fitness, improve concentration, coordination, flexibility, balance, aerobic and anaerobic fitness. This is a belt level program with all aspects of martial arts traini Read more

    Helping you unfold your inner light, your soul. Giving you the tools to keep up with the unfolding. Yoga & meditation sessions : private or groupe and in retreats. Accessoires for meditation. Hatha yoga, somayog, yoga nidra, chair yoga. French & English . Read more

    Yoga Coeuractions offre plusieurs cours de yoga adapts votre corps. Afin de plaire a tous les rythmes et ages, nous proposons des seances de yoga pour les familles et les 8 12 ans ainsi que du QiGong et des Ateliers sur la pleine conscience. Ces ateliers s'inspirent de l'approche de Dr Kabatt Zin alliant la meditation, des detentes et des notions pour mieux gerer votre stress. S'ajoute notre offre du coaching de vie, des conferences et des evenements speciaux. Le tout visant votre pleine VITALITE.... Read more

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